For Christians wanting to make Grace Church Brockley their home church we invite them to become partners.

What is partnership?

The idea of partnership comes from the book of Philippians in the Bible where the Apostle Paul was thankful for the Philippian Christians’ partnership in the gospel (the good news of Jesus).

Partnership means being an active part of God’s local church and being cared for practically and spiritually by fellow Christians at Grace Church Brockley. It involves praying, serving, giving, knowing and being known, and drawing friends and acquaintances under the sound of God’s saving word.

At Grace Church Brockley we invite Christians to commit to the life of our church by becoming partners with us in the gospel, as we seek to know Jesus and make Him known.

Interested in becoming a partNer?

If you are interested in becoming a partner at Grace Church Brockley please have a read of our partnership booklet. Email our minister, Tobias Brown, to ask questions and find out more.